
Showing posts from June, 2012

Honor Your Father and Mother

This is one of those commandments that is easy to see on a paper (or stone tablet) but it is even harder to actually understand and put it into practice.  For this is the beginning of the commandments' portion that is often considered to be relating to Earthly relationships.  The mother and father are the two people with whom a child first encounters.  It is these two individuals who have been brought together, have created a child and now have the responsibility to care for this child until the child is able to care for itself. During the time that the Ten Commandments were given to the Hebrew people (they were not to the promised land and so were known as the Hebrews.)  the dominant system of order and structure was that of the family.  The eldest male would often control the other people who descended from him or from his siblings.  Along with the servants, slaves and wives of any other.  The elder would be considered to have wisdom from all their experience. The elder would oft

What does your Pastor wear?

After my last post, Tom commented and brought up a different angle to the question.  "Another level to this discussion is what clergy wear and what that communicates. You mentioned the guy in the big white dress :)   There are many practices that work in theory, less well in practice.  I appreciate the symbolism of clerical swag and the theology that undergirds the pastoral calling, but in practice we are not viewed simply as "Pastor" but as a specific person. Does our garb create barriers to our message?" The garments that are worn by clergy vary within different denominations.  The garments have been changed to show the distinct understanding of a group and even what they hold as sacred.  For me as a Lutheran Pastor, I will wear the Roman cleric collar, the alb, stole and even a cross around my next.  Now each one of these garments or accessories holds great meaning.  For most though that meaning is not understood unless it is explained.  Otherwise, the symbol or

What to wear to church...

Have you ever heard someone say, "I will put on my Sunday best."?  For those of you who do not know, church used to be THE social event every week.  It was the one time when people would get together, they were not working and people would not only hear the Word of God but also they would be placed on judgement for all to see and witness who they were and how they act.  The community would gather together to not only have social gatherings but also to ensure that everyone would be able to clean up their act.  This association is something that has continued for many within the culture.  However, things are changing.  Now the church is not the only place where you are judged and held accountable for what they wear.  I know exactly what you are thinking, this is the same question that people ask every single day.  What should I wear?  It is something that many of us loathe because based on our clothes we are taught that our clothes are like a billboard to the world about who we