
Showing posts from February, 2015

Sermon - 2015-02-22

Walking through the creation of this world, a person can easily see and bear witness to the wonder that God has done within the world.  Walking in a forest surrounded by trees, walking in a field and being surrounded by the creatures that God has created, seeing the mountain, seeing the flowing plains, and witnessing the four seasons, we bear witness to the ongoing work that God is a part in the Creation.  Watching the birds, the rabbits, the deer, and the fish, it is no wonder that some people simply enjoy going out into the wilderness to connect with God.  However, today we are reminded that evil has also become a part of this world.  Now this is an important reminder because it can easily affect us and so easily be forgotten.   Within the Gospel today, we hear of the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness.  Jesus is facing satan and other temptations.  Yet this account in the Gospel of Mark is short.  It is only a few verses.  However, this is the moment that truly connects with us.

Sermon - 2015-02-18 - Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday comes in the midst of our busy lives.  It causes us to slow down and stop to reflect.  On Ash Wednesday, we gather together as million of Christians to be reminded that we have been called claimed and are loved by God’s own Son, Jesus Christ.  Being marked by ashes in the sign of the cross, we are reminded of who we belong to.  We are reminded that we are mortal, that one day, we will no longer walk this earth. However, we put our faith and trust in God who claims and promises that we will allows be in His loving arms.   To put ashes upon oneself, is an ancient tradition.  People would often do this as a sign of mourning with great grief.  It is also echoes within our hearts and minds those who have gone before you, who strived to give you what it is that was passed down to you.  Today, we remember what Jesus Christ has done for us. That we have been brought into Baptism, cleansed of all our sins, and forgiven so that we are in the family of God.  So it is this moment tha

Sermon - 2015-02-15

On our journey of life and faith, we often attempt to seek where God is at work in our life.  We want to understand what God is doing for us, and what we are being called to do for God.  Today, is Transfiguration Sunday.  Transfiguration is a big word that we never use except within the church, for it speaks of the time and moment in which Jesus was changed from an earthly physical appearance to being in heavenly presence.  To bear witness to such an event truly brings up so many questions.  Yet truly to bear witness to this means that we are able to know that not only does Jesus walk this earth like we humans do.  Jesus is fully human but also Jesus comes from and holds heavenly power, so Jesus is fully God as well.  Yes once again, we are reminded that the church does not do math like we learn in school, that Jesus is 100% human and 100% God.   Here in this moment, we bear witness to God being in our life and truly doing work for us.  As the disciples traveled with Jesus and were tak

Sermon - 2015 - 02 - 08

Please take a moment and open your hymnal to the Apostle’s Creed. (Give page number)  I would like you to have that as a reference throughout this sermon. The Apostle’s Creed was written as a reminder of who God truly is and what God will do for us in our life.  The creed is broken down into three different parts, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In the first part of the creed, we hear about God, our Creator. We are reminded of our Creator and sustainer.  Even in the world around us, we are able to bear witness to all God has done for us.  Each and every single day, we can bear witness to the love of God as God gives us all that we need.  The second part of the Apostle’s Creed speaks of Jesus Christ.  The first line speaks of Jesus’ birth. We were reminded of this event just a few weeks ago. We hear of Mary and the fact that this was a virgin birth.  Then we go forward tol Holy Week, the last week of Jesus’ life.  This excludes all the miracles, great teachings, and even heali

Sermon - 2015 - 02 -01

I met a person a few years ago, who was struggling with their faith.  Please understand that this is not an uncommon occurrence.  However, our conversation went something like this: The other person started out: “I just don’t understand why God would allow such things to take place. Why would God allow bad things to happen to someone who I love so much?  I prayed and prayed and prayed, but still God did not listen to me.  I wanted my brother to be healed, so he could be with our family.  But God didn’t give me that miracle.  God didn’t even hear me at all.  Sometimes I wonder why I pray.”    I continued to listen.  The other person continued with our conversation about the frustrations with doctors.  How the cancer had taken over so quickly in their brother’s life.  We prayed again. I reminded this person of Scripture. (Psalm 46)  However, I left that conversation quickly, struck by their words.  Again the person continued to use “I wanted…. I prayed, and God did not answer my prayer t

Sermon - 2015-01-25

Just a few weeks ago, we were reminded of our own Baptism.  The day in which Jesus Christ called us by name and declared that we were called, claimed, loved, and sent as Disciples of Jesus Christ.  Today, we bear witness to Jesus calling his own disciples.  I want you to stop and think about that.  How does it feel when you are called by name and are told that we need you to be a part of something bigger?  You feel empowered; you feel needed; and you feel important to the cause.  Now remember, the disciples were fishermen, common ordinary people, like you and me. They were not expecting to be called out of the work that they were doing, but God had something in mind for them to do that would change the world.   However, since the disciples were fishermen, they knew some very important things that would be so useful in being a disciple of Jesus Christ and sharing that word later.   People who fish, go to where the fish are. If you are looking for fish, you have to go to them, or you hav