Sermon - 2015 - 02 - 08

Please take a moment and open your hymnal to the Apostle’s Creed. (Give page number)  I would like you to have that as a reference throughout this sermon. The Apostle’s Creed was written as a reminder of who God truly is and what God will do for us in our life.  The creed is broken down into three different parts, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
In the first part of the creed, we hear about God, our Creator. We are reminded of our Creator and sustainer.  Even in the world around us, we are able to bear witness to all God has done for us.  Each and every single day, we can bear witness to the love of God as God gives us all that we need.  The second part of the Apostle’s Creed speaks of Jesus Christ.  The first line speaks of Jesus’ birth. We were reminded of this event just a few weeks ago. We hear of Mary and the fact that this was a virgin birth.  Then we go forward tol Holy Week, the last week of Jesus’ life.  This excludes all the miracles, great teachings, and even healings we hear about today like the casting out of demons .  These are not included because those were done for people at a certain time and place.  Thus all of these are left out and we are reminded of the exact moments Jesus does the work for all people.  
Today, we encounter the Jesus that people desire to have in their life.  A Jesus who answers their dreams, and wishes to make their life better, or exactly like those around them.  However, Jesus used these to help the people. More importantly, to allow the people to realize what Jesus was doing for all.  A gift and work that we truly needed so  we could be in relationship with God.  Whose image in which we were created.  So we hear of how Jesus went before Pontius Pilate, was crucified and was dead.  Jesus faces the worst that this world has to offer, and even our greatest fear, death.   It is this gift that Jesus gives to all who believe in what he has done on that most terrible cross.  Yet on this cross, we bear witness to Jesus doing the work for all.  
It is this cross of which we are reminded and continue to share the accounts so that we may never forget. Jesus goes to the depths of hell for three days, gathering together the people who loved and worshiped God.  Jesus  took them out of the depths of hell bestowing upon them the gift of being in the presence of God for all eternity.  The message that we remember and cling to is that Jesus will come again to judge the living and the dead.  So that no matter when Jesus does come, he will be sure to come to us.  
I share all of this with you so that you may be reminded of the truth of Jesus Christ.  Jesus did perform many miracles; he healed many, including casting out demons, and taught many great lessons.  However, what we should never forget; and what we should always treasure, is the gift of the cross.  In the cross, we receive and bear witness to the gift of God’s love that restored us once again.  
Today, as we gather we experience the work of the Holy Spirit. As the Holy Spirit gathers us together to hear Gods Word and gather in God's love. Today, may you feel, experience and receive the gift of God’s own Son. May you remember the sacrifice and enjoy the peace that is given to you through him. Amen.
