
Showing posts from April, 2012

Ministry happens...but it is messy work.

Lately I have been really busy. I had 3 funerals within a week and then the next week was Easter.  Needless to say, I was kind of exhausted after all of that.  Thankfully, I was able to get caught up with most things however, I still working on something within a to do list that just keeps going.  I am utterly amazed at all the times that I do not expect to actually start talking to someone about ministry or something that is church related.  I am often stopped when walking, going to a game or even when the phone rings.  When becoming a pastor, I knew that ministry was something that happened 24/7 but I am also just aware of all the terrible theology that has taken root.  It is like bad weeds that have come into the garden and are growing right next to the Gospel that was planted by God.  While I do not feel that I have all the answers and nor do I stand on the corner in the small town and show people how they are wrong.  I am saddened to hear and see people living out of a faith that