What does your Pastor wear?

After my last post, Tom commented and brought up a different angle to the question.  "Another level to this discussion is what clergy wear and what that communicates. You mentioned the guy in the big white dress :)  There are many practices that work in theory, less well in practice. I appreciate the symbolism of clerical swag and the theology that undergirds the pastoral calling, but in practice we are not viewed simply as "Pastor" but as a specific person. Does our garb create barriers to our message?"

The garments that are worn by clergy vary within different denominations.  The garments have been changed to show the distinct understanding of a group and even what they hold as sacred.  For me as a Lutheran Pastor, I will wear the Roman cleric collar, the alb, stole and even a cross around my next.  Now each one of these garments or accessories holds great meaning.  For most though that meaning is not understood unless it is explained.  Otherwise, the symbol or garment does become a barrier.  It is for that reason that I will explain these garments and symbols within the worship service once a year so that others may know and enjoy the rich meaning that these articles convey.  

The Roman cleric collar - This is typically an all black shirt, with the collar high around the neck.  There is a white square directly in the front at the top of the button line.  For me, this represents the rich historic history that the church has gone through.  How we gather together in various places and at different times but we are gathered together in the name of Jesus Christ.  It is this shirt that most people often identify as a cleric, priest or pastor or other Christian religious leader.  Though not all traditions view this as appropriate.  For through this rich history, there are moments in which human sinfulness has also been connected with the church and thus associated with this "uniform".  For me, the good and the bad shall come together and embraced. 

the alb - This is a white garment that often resembles the graduation gown of many.  It is free flowing and covers the clothes that are below the alb.  For this garment is the one that all Christians wear, for it is to be the reminder of our Baptismal garments.  For we are made clean through the water and the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is only given through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Thus the alb is not the garment of the clergy but actually the garment of all Christians.  However, I do not think that too many people would be interested in running around with white robes.  For me, this is important for it was a gift from the pastor who I have known and looked up to as a Pastor for all my childhood until I was in college.

stole - This is the scarf looking garment that is often worn with both ends going down the front.  The stole however, is the significant garment that indicates the clergy.  For it is through the bestowal of the stole that a clergy is yoked with the task and responsibilities of caring for a congregation or flock of people who gather in Christ's name or seek what does it mean to be a community of Christians. For me, this is truly important for my mother has made mine, often hand stitched and together we have designed them.

cross (necklace) -  This is often worn on the front and to indicate that the cross of Christ has marked us, claimed us and redeemed us above all else within our lives.  For me, this is truly important for it was a gift from my grandmother who passed away and never was able to see me be a preacher.

Together, these are the garments that I as a Pastor wear. For me, I grew up with a Pastor who wore this every Sunday within our traditional, blended and contemporary worship services. The garments and accessories were not a barrier for me to hear the message but to know that this person has embodied the message, it has changed their life to be a called into the new life and service of the church.  The Pastor was someone who actually was someone who had wrestled with life experiences, issues with others, and could even be someone who I could go and talk to. 

I realize that not everyone wears these, has the same experience or the same outlook on Pastors as I do.  These garments were from a time when people would wear robes on a daily basis.  They would be worn within a society that had structure and classes that would need to be distinguished between.  For the church in the modern world is scene often as being for the previous generation.  It is something that is old and out of date.  People have had their taste of church and it did not agree with the god that they have created or they realized that the church is made up of sinners, regardless, the church was not a place for them.  To this effect, I have seen pastors begin to wear a suit.  Something that is still of the higher order within our modern standards of fashion.  Some pastors have worn street clothes of jeans and a t-shirt to emphasize the fact that the gospel is for everyone and that we as individuals are the ones who wear the clothes that God has placed upon us.  

So my question to you the reader, what do you think that the modern clergy or religious leader should be wearing?    What would help remove the barriers so that you could talk to a pastor?  So that they would be noticed for their authority as someone you could talk to but also be comfortable around so that you could talk about any issue that would arise within your life. 
