What to wear to church...

Have you ever heard someone say, "I will put on my Sunday best."?  For those of you who do not know, church used to be THE social event every week.  It was the one time when people would get together, they were not working and people would not only hear the Word of God but also they would be placed on judgement for all to see and witness who they were and how they act.  The community would gather together to not only have social gatherings but also to ensure that everyone would be able to clean up their act.  This association is something that has continued for many within the culture.  However, things are changing.  Now the church is not the only place where you are judged and held accountable for what they wear. 

I know exactly what you are thinking, this is the same question that people ask every single day.  What should I wear?  It is something that many of us loathe because based on our clothes we are taught that our clothes are like a billboard to the world about who we are and what we stand for.  Depending on what we wear advertises to the rest of the world what you enjoy doing and gives the people insight into the very person who you are.  Let me put it to you another way.  What does a preppy kid wear?  How about a jock? What about the snobby girl?  Were you able to come up with an outfit that you know that these stereotypes seem to wear?  If you answered yes, then you will also agree that these outfits and even stereotypes were learned.  Indeed if you have any doubts, I would like you to ask any two year old to put an outfit together.  More than likely that two year old will come out wearing their favorite shirt, skirt or pants, and even shoes.  Provided they are not wearing a princess gown or super hero costume. 

It is sad but true that within our world, we do judge others and even value people based on the clothes that they wear. 

At first when I looked at this comic, I realized that yes the days of wearing a suit and tie at church are over, I get that.  But then I realized something else.  The attitude of judgement was still very much present and alive not only in the church but within our very culture.  I mean take a look again, it is not the man who is in the suit and tie who is judging but it is those who are wearing the regular street clothes.  They may be afraid of the old ways or perhaps the suit is still the understanding that the corporate world controls so much that they are afraid that the suits are trying to take over church.  (For those who have that fear, trust me, the TRUE church can never be controlled by anyone but God.)  Yet here within the church, we are suppose to be a place in which all people are welcomed, accepted and YES even loved.  (That's what the guy in the big white dress has been trying to get across to you (the Pastor, Priest, or leader))

The community was suppose to actually hold everyone accountable for their actions, their words and deeds and thus their way they dressed and presented themselves.  However, the community went too far and now the whole community and culture has embraced this judgement that you must wear designer labels but at the same time be who you are suppose to be.  Yet within the church, we are suppose to be that community that does hold each other accountable but not so that we look good but so that we are indeed living a happy and healthy life with one another.  So how about instead of judging, we actually live in the community we are apart of.

The best way to be in community with one another is to actually talk to one another.  So here is an interesting thought, instead the next time you see someone who is wearing a suit within church, go up and compliment them on it and perhaps even ask why they enjoy wearing it so much. And for those wearing a suit, next time you see someone wearing a t shirt, compliment them on the shirt and ask them about what is on it or what it represents.  Our clothes are suppose to be a billboard of who we are, so let's accept one another and love one another as the brothers and sisters in Christ for we are all wearing the clothes that have been given to us from our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.  
