Sermon - 2020-03-01

Today within the gospel, we hear of Jesus going into the wilderness and fasting. Now fasting is something that we think about in terms of fasting from food, from the sustenance that we need in order to survive. You stay away from your typical diet but you are allowed to drink water. However, there is something that needs to be clarified, when a person fasts, there are different ways of fasting. For many of our Catholic brothers and sisters, during Lent, they will fast from any forms of meat but then on Fridays, they are able to eat fish. This was a way for the Catholic people to be able to celebrate in a small way the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Good Friday. So I share all of this with you because even when we talk about Jesus fasting in the Gospel and people fasting within Scripture, there is a distinct reason and purpose for them to put their bodies, their stomachs, and their lives through this experience.

The purpose of fasting can also determine what it is you are trying to recall is a blessing in your life. So if you are fasting from food, then you are refraining from eating sweet, delicious strawberries. You are refraining from eating a nice thick and juicy steak. Then when you are finally able to enjoy those flavors and experience that food once again. It can open you to the gift that having these foods within your life can truly be. Yet fasting is not only about food. I know people who have fasted from their smartphones, computers, certain experiences and removing distractions from their life. So there are many ways to fast in a person’s life. While a person goes through a time of fasting, they are called to use their extra time in God’s Word, in prayer, and to find a way to recall the connection that they have with God.

The gospel today, we hear of Jesus going through 40 days of fasting in the wilderness. We often assume that it is fasting from food, but keep in mind that Jesus is also separated from people, society, the luxuries of home, and is fasting from everything that is familiar from his own life. Now entering into the wilderness, he is able to truly become aware of what God is giving him.

Then after these 40 days, then the devil comes and tempts Jesus in ways that Jesus has been fasting from. Food. Comfort. Society and the comforts that go with being in a community. However, in each of the temptations that the devil brings before Jesus, Jesus knows that through the days of fasting and dwelling with God, dwelling on God’s Word, that he is able to recall the Scripture that he needs to be reminded of to not be tempted.

Now, we come to today, still towards the beginning of our Lenten Journey. I am lifting up to you the challenge and idea of fasting from something in your life. This is often where we have the idea of giving something up for Lent comes from. However, I am also going to challenge you in a different way, what change could you make or add to your life that you would be more aware of God’s Presence, God’s Love, and dwell in God’s Word more fully?
