Sermon - 2019-11-24

Today is Christ the King Sunday, we are reminded of the glory and honor that is bestowed upon Jesus Christ by His Heavenly Father.  

Here in the United States, we do not truly think about a King.  In fact, our very beginning was in opposition to having a king telling us what to do and how we should do it.  We wanted people whom we could hold accountable to determine how we shall be as a society. Even that was over two hundred years ago.  So our ideas and concepts of Kings are old. Our ideas come from movies or fairy tales and they are vastly distorted through the lens of time.  We think of Kings like King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. We think of Lord of the Rings. We think of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.  

Yet, the reality of the success of the kingdoms of this world is vastly different than the success that we experience and know through Jesus Christ.  When we think of the success and honor given to earthly kingdoms, we think of people bowing down to a king, we think of a powerful army marching, we think of a big castle to show the wealth and might of a kingdom and king, and we think of a crown and throne. 

However, when Jesus entered into this world, he lifted others up.  Those who were looked down up and isolated due to illness, he showed them that they matter.  We hear of an army of people uniting around him, not for destruction but to receive LIFE. We hear of people not gathering in a huge castle or temple of worship him but rather that the temple and things of this world will pass away but that God’s Word would last forever.  We hear that the crown Jesus receives is not of gold but of thorns. The throne that he was going to was not a large chair of glory but a cross.  

Yes the success and power that we often look for within this world, look vastly different when Jesus comes.  Yes, Jesus opens our hearts and minds to the realization that the success and power that we are striving for are in fact working against us.  The idea when we view one another as being above one another, we are simply tearing each other down but when we view one another as equals then we are able to see that we are each human creatures in need of love, grace and mercy given by God through His Own Son, Jesus Christ.   That we do not need to compete against one another but rather work in building each other up. 

In the church, you may hear people talk or sing of Jesus being their Lord and King.  Truly what they are stating is that they are striving to follow Jesus’ word and example of life.  A calling that we may put aside our own will of being right and striving for our own success but now would realize that the teaching of Christ and his success is what we should strive for to truly make the impact upon the world that we are truly longing for.  An impact that is loving, compassionate and one that is everlasting.  

So this is our King and the kingdom that we are striving for.  This is why we gather here as Christians to hear God’s Eternal Word and hear what it is our focus should truly be upon each and every single day.  So today, take some time to bow your head in prayer. Take some time to look upon one another as brothers and sisters to support. Take some time to realize what it is we are truly doing to build the Kingdom of God and sharing His Love in this world.  Amen. 
