Sermon - 2019-10-06

If we had faith the size of a mustard seed. Now most sermons will talk about the size of a mustard seed and how small it is and that from that small seed, a large bush will grow. Or many of us as we hear this, will be fascinated as the amazing work that by simply commanding, we could make a tree come up out of the ground and plant itself into the sea. For all of us, this may sound as if it were fantasy or something that we would watch upon the big screen.

However Jesus is telling everyone who listens to him that if we had this kind of faith, we would be able to do some amazing things as well. Yet when we do amazing things in our lives, we often discredit them or they look different. I want you to consider what it is you are able to do with your hands. With your very hands, you are able to create: molding with clay, swing a hammer to build, shake a hand to create a relationship, wipe away a tear with comfort, and offer something to someone who is in need. Our simply ordinary hands are able to do this and for the person who is to receive these tokens of creation, they can be an amazing change within their life. It can bring hope, take them out of their feelings of loneliness, and it can bring them into a community of people to know that they belong.

These are things that we do on a daily basis and yet, we do not consider them miracles. Until they happen to us and we experience them for the miracles that they are.

Yet like the master of the servant, we consider the world only from our own point of view. This is truly where many of us are and even want to remain. We would love to have a slave, while we lay around in the hammock being served food and drink. For many of us, we call this what it is we are striving for in this world.

We do not consider about the other person, we do not look at things in a new way. Yes, if we truly want our faith to grow, we need to trust in the possibility that God would use even us in this world. We need to be able to stop and reflect to ask what is it others are thinking, we need to be able to engage one another in conversations where we view one another as human beings and teachers whom we can learn from.

However in so doing, we should also be mindful that each and everyone of us can be led astray so easily and so our focus should also be what is God teaching me. Now please do not understand, that if you are difficult situation, I am not saying that God wants you to suffer and learn patience. Rather, I am reminding you that we are in an imperfect world but we are striving to bring the Kingdom of God into this world.

This truly is a difficult task, one that would be far easier if someone did it for us. And truly, someone has. This is the work that Jesus Christ did for you and me on that cross. Now it is up to us to listen and be changed that we may serve God’s Calling in the world to be his disciples and do the work that God is calling us to do. Amen.
