Sermon - 2019-09-29

Today’s Gospel lesson is one that many of us should take to heart. In our lives, we have many people who share with us their faith journey. They share with us the good and obstacles that faith in God still helps them understand and realize God’s calling for them.

Take a moment right now and think about that person. Was it a family member? A mother who dragged you out of bed so that you would hear this sermon? Was it a grandmother who loving shared with you life lessons that changed your heart and mind for years to come? Was it a Sunday School teacher who shared with you a message of Scripture that made you think and realize that YOU are a beloved Child of God? Is that person still in your life or are they in the presence of God?

For many of us, if we are truly honest, it is many people who at different times and in different ways, shared with us the Gospel of God’s love, grace and mercy that truly opened our heart and ind to understand what we are being called to do, think or realize God is calling of us. It was their combined efforts that truly opened our hearts and minds to the Spirit of God active within our life. It is this community of people whom God has placed within our life so that we may be able to truly grow closer to God and perhaps more important call us to share that same calling with those who are in need around us.

Now please do not misunderstand, some of you may be looking at me saying, I can not think of anyone who has done these things for me, my faith has always been with me. Yet still you have among your friends and family who have encouraged you to stay away from things that would lead you astray. People who have shared with you their own experiences and moments in which they told you, you could not do something. So I am asking of you to think hard but also enter into that role into the lives of others. Not to be annoying about, but to be support and compassionate and continually seeking God’s Calling.

Yes the way in which God enters our life can be very different. While some of us would long to have a loved one who has shared so much with us, stand before us again and tell us exactly what Heaven and our relationship with God would mean for us every single day. We often do become distracted.

So today’s lesson is both a warning and a wake-up call for us all, that we should be listening to one another, supporting one another and realizing that God is in the midst of our community. However, we can easily be led astray, distracted or come complacent. All of these factors can take us away from God’s Calling and so we must be diligent in listening and speaking in what God is calling us to share. It is this reason that we offer Sunday School opportunities for all ages. It is this reason that we have committees that gather around to plan and coordinate what it is we can do. It is the reason that we worship every single week, to keep our focus on God and enter into his presence once again. Amen.
