Sermon - 2019-09-01

This is one of those parables that we have heard over and over again. It is a reminder that we are to be humble and that we should not think of ourselves better than others. This is one that we may hear and our next thought is, perhaps even before the parable is over, “Next, heard it before, what else you got, Jesus.”

However, like before when we know a story or parable that Jesus shares with us, the next question we should be asking ourselves is: Are we living the meaning of the parable?

Well like the Pharisees listening to Jesus, this may make us squirm in our seat. Well….I...I...I….know I should. Yet knowing you should do something and doing it are two very different things. Please understand, I am also at fault of doing this at times in my life as well. I am a sinner just like you however, when Jesus calls us as people of God to understand what the Kingdom of God will truly look like. We should take note and even realize the calling that Jesus is wanting us to do and then live it.

So let’s take a few minutes to realize a few things. First, let’s talk about the audience that Jesus is talking to, the Pharisees but also you and me. The Pharisees were elite people who were educated in the faith and were looked upon to have the answers to how it is all people should live their life. Now in other parts of Luke, we hear of the Pharisees being very religious, powerful and lovers of money. A group that did not like the message of Jesus. However, the group that Jesus is with, invites him to eat with them and teach them. This is a group of Pharisees, that may even support Jesus and wonder if he is the Messiah. For even these Godly men need a lesson from the great teacher that is Jesus about the Scriptures and what God is calling us to be.

This is so much like us, we know the story of the Scripture and even this particular lesson, however, now we are being asked to LIVE IT.

For many of us, we are counting on Christ to be our Savior and Lord so that when our time on this Earth ends, we may be in paradise with him. However, we should not be so focused on the heavenly side of things when we have a calling to serve one another love another here and now on Earth. So faith is calling us to action and to truly care for one another and sharing the love that God has first given to us.  Amen.
