Sermon - 2019-08-18

Today’s Gospel is one that can cause us to raise an eyebrow and wonder, what is Jesus talking about? We need to truly look at the whole chapter to understand this one within the context of what Jesus is sharing with the crowd. Before this text, we hear of the watchful slaves who care for their master and the master’s kingdom even when the master is gone on travel. The slave does not make it their own or take advantage of things for their own benefit but rather does what is right out of love for the master. Then the disciples still have questions and concerns about what does it look like to be a good or unfaithful slave to the master.

I thought Jesus was coming to share grace and mercy in the world. I thought that all people were going to be gathered at the feet of Jesus and everything would be right in the world. With the arrival of Jesus, there would be no more problems and no more arguments.

However Jesus makes it clear today that with his arrival on earth. It would actually add to the division and that was a good thing. Now there would be those who followed him and lived lives devoted to God within the world and there would those who would not. Yet the real problem here is the intensity, each side is passionately arguing and fighting that THEY are the ones who are on the RIGHT side.

For so many of us, we want to know that we are on the right side of things. We seek out others who will agree with us and having a majority of people who think the same way that I do must mean that I am right. The more us there are, means that it must make sense and thus is the correct conclusion. The other people who do not agree with me are wrong or simply have not figured out that they are wrong. So the division between the two groups widens and passion arises in both groups until they realize who is truly right. Our stubbornness shines through, our hearts are hardened that we are right and they are wrong. Then no longer is discussion able to take place, you are in your trench and the other side is in theirs.

For many of us, this is where we stay is in the argument. However, Jesus pushes the crowd and declares to them that they can see the weather patterns so well because it affects their daily life. Yet the people do not take the time to look at the bigger picture of what their life would look like through God’s Eyes. To see the impact of our thoughts and actions upon the world, for we usually think of ourselves. To see the impact of what that does to the community and to generations and above all, what does it have in our relationship with God.

So does Jesus come and bring division? Yes. Which side are you on? Well that answer is not as clear to answer because that is truly found in your motivation of doing things, an examination of life and conscience and answering honestly are you doing something for the glory of God or self? Are you motivated by earthly consequences or by heavenly consequences?

This is also when people can wrestle with the certainty of Jesus and yet, we hear the promise that he brings and we have faith in God and the gift of Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. Amen.
