Sermon - 2019-04-18 - Maundy Thursday

Tonight as we gather for Maundy Thursday. We enter into the mystery and tradition that is found here. For we enter tonight perhaps with some understanding because of what it is we have experienced before. As we gather, we know the story of what happened with Jesus and his disciples and we hope to experience a glimpse of that ourselves. We hope that we would have a moving experience that draws us closer to God and have a greater understanding of what God is calling us to be a part of.

However, like the disciples that were gathered with Jesus that night. They were expecting to experience the Seder meal of the Passover. Yet Jesus does something unexpected. Jesus takes the ancient stories and accounts of faith that the Jewish people had celebrated generation after generation, many of whom were so separated over the thousands of years that they wondered when would God do something among them again. For they longed for the Messiah to help them and remind them that they were part of the Chosen People of God.

However, many of us feel that way today. We may wonder where is God at within our life. Even though we are faithful and attend church, we long for an experience and a clear message from God that He is indeed with us. Now every single day, we sit down for a meal. A sandwich that was made hurriedly as we go from one event to another. A turkey dinner with all the fixings of mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, and a dinner roll. Yet when we eat of these meals, we will eat them so hurriedly that we are unaware of the message that is being delivered by God to us. We eat the meal to satisfy a longing of nourishment or because we are supposed to eat the meal but the meaning and message is never heard.

Tonight, we stop to celebrate this ancient meal but more importantly to know that it is not just remembering but to experience the grace, love and mercy that is given to us in Jesus Christ. To clearly hear the message and make it part of our lives. That as we come to the Lord’s Table, we hear “this is my body broken for you….this is cup is the new covenant shed for you”. Yet this message is not one heard once a year on this night, it is not heard only on Sunday morning, it is a message that comes to us in every single meal, every single day.

So tonight as we gather, may you hear the message of love and grace that is offered but may you carry this message every day, every meal and know God is with you. Amen.
