Sermon - 2019-03-27 - Serving

Tonight as we continue our journey of Marks of Discipleship, our focus is on serving.  This is where our faith moves us to action. Words on a page and a calling by God need to also have a physical side that reinforces the messages and allows us to walk the walk and not just talk the talk.  This is one of those areas though too where you can do the work but without the head and heart involved, it is something that can be exhausting will feel more like a job rather than something that enriches your life by living out one's faith.  

Now at this church, we do a lot of this and it is one of our favorite times to do be united together and help those who are in need.  Through God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday, we have been able to mobilize the whole congregation. We have realized the importance and love that day that we are able to be united, feel productive and like we made a difference in the lives of others.  

When serving others, we feel better about yourself.  When serving others we realize that we are more alike than we are different.  When serving others, we realize that God calls us into the community to support and care for one another.  Now the world tells us that we need to hire one another, that there should be a transaction for services.  However, in our created self, we were designed to work with others. It is the way we are created and part of the way we are wired.

So what separates us from doing with our hands and connecting it with our head and heart?  Reflection. Simply talking about it with others and taking the time to realize the work that you are doing and connecting it to God’s calling for you as sharing God’s Love in this world.  Not just hearing but actually experiencing it. This often leads to the question of which comes first? Faith or Service? However, they are so intertwined that we must realize that one does not come first but they happen together.  We need to encourage both and realize that both offer lessons to be understood more fully for all that are involved. During this season of Lent, I hope that you not only are able to serve but truly take some time to reflect upon your motivation in your faith and the work that you are doing in the lives of others.     
