Sermon - 2018-11-11

Today we hear a perhaps familiar story of the Widow giving her two copper coins to the offering of the church.  This is often hailed as the ideal that we should all strive for. We are encouraged to enter into the parable of where we are.  Yet, we know that we don’t want to be the wealthy person because that is what Jesus says is the bad example. However that is what the world says we SHOULD be.  Rather the example that we should strive is the poor widow who gives out of her faith. So this begs the question of where are you in this parable?

Within the parable, we have two extremes.  We have the wealthy man who goes and announces that they have great wealth and that they are giving to the church.  The other is a poor widow who gives all that she has. Why couldn’t Jesus work in another character, like: “couldn’t I be a wealthy person but just give silently?”  However in this parable, Jesus confronts us with what we are called to do. The reality is we know what we should do but we do not do what we are called to do. We use others as an excuse.  No one else is doing it, why should I? Who will start? Who will be the example?

We live in an imperfect world unwilling to change and will be complaining as things change even if it is a change for the better.  

But then we are given an example.  Christ shows us the path of faith. Shows us and calls us by name to go on this journey and realize the gift that this life and faith could offer us.  So now what is our excuse? Oh, we have many…..

The parable that Jesus shares is one of extremes for us but also offers us insights into the clear distinctions that we have in this world,  the grey area that we want to say we are in but truly it is the life that Jesus Christ is calling us to live. Today may you continue to reflect upon that life that Christ is calling you to live.  Amen.
