Sermon - 2018-10-21

Today is Consecration Sunday, a day we have set aside to raise the question among us as a congregation and as Christians talk about what is God calling us to give?  Now finances are one of the most talked about topics in Scripture because far too often money is the false god that we create within our lives. It takes time, energy, and focus away when we should be giving credit to God and what God has done for us.  

As we have heard from others about their Stewardship journey, many of these are inspiring and eye opening and they actually help us realize more about the person and the life of those with whom we worship.  So today, I want to share with you my own stewardship because I want you to know where it is I am coming from.

Being a young man, I would get some money and immediately put it in to a piggy bank.  Yes it was literally a piggy bank. Yet I would add that new money into the piggy bank, I would want to dump out all of my money so that I could count every single money that I had earned and saved.  However, when I would go to church, my parents would give me a quarter so that I put it into the offering. Yet I would never know what would happen with that quarter after it was in the offering plate.  

It wasn’t until much later when I was in middle school, that I was spending time with my grandma that I learned some very important lessons that I was completely oblivious to.  For I had only one grandma that I knew. Both grandpas had died and the other grandma had died as well by the time that I was born. I say this because I want you to know how truly special then she was to me.  My grandma was the superintendent for all the years that I went through Sunday School, and for that matter, my parents were my teacher for many. Every Sunday when I went to church, I knew precisely the pew that my grandma would sit in and I knew precisely that after church, I would get a hug from her.  

However, in the church was not where she truly taught me about faith.  During the summer, I was able to spend the night at her farm. It was during this time that we would often go around and take care of the animals.  Feeding the pigs, turkeys, ducks, chickens, geese, cows, and sheep. After they got food and water, we would often go to the garden. In the spring we planted, in the summer we weeded, and in the fall we harvested.  After a while, we would also go in and of course grandma had to bake some chocolate chip cookies or some kind of goodies that I got to help with. In the fall, it was always making jellies, jams, or canning something.

While we were working, sweating and sometimes eating some of the goodies, Grandma taught me some important lessons that really did sink in. While pulling the weeds in the garden, Grandma asked me, “Who worked so hard for this food that we could eat it?”  I had to think about the question a bit. I wanted to say me but I knew that it wasn’t the right answer. I said, “Well you are the one who is always out here”. She smiled. She looked at me and said, “God, has been spending a lot more time and energy on these plants and animals than I have.”   Another time, when we were walking in her orchard, she asked me, “Why do you think we work so hard?” My first thought was so we could eat. So I told her, “So we can enjoy the food together.” She looked at me and smiled, “Close, we work hard so we work with God and God gives so much that we are able to share it.”

Every year, I would always be amazed at how much fruit, vegetables and meat my grandma had from her farm. She would have enough for herself and all four of the families that were in my extended family.  She was able to share all that had been given to her so that we may have food, enjoy her cooking, baking and work. Yet still the greatest gift that she had shared with me was something that could not be eaten, could not be consumed but I could share it over and over again.  Each time I do, it reminds me of what she has taught me.

So today, I am reminded that there are many of giving what God has given to us but we must also be aware of it.  To stop and listen but also challenge ourselves to do the work that God has placed before us because there are many things that can and will distract us but we must open our hearts and minds to answer this call. Today, may you pray, may you know and even share what God has first given to you. Amen.
