Sermon - 2018-10-07

Today, Jesus is confronted with a difficult and rather emotional topic.  This is a topic that is hard for people to talk about at the time of Jesus and also within our own time, it is still difficult.  Divorce is something that has and is a struggle for people. For some people, I am sure they would wish that I would not bring up such a difficult topic.  However, if we can not talk about difficult topics within our society in the church, in God’s presence, where do we hope to find guidance? Where do we hope to find unity if not in the Creator and Sustainer of all Creation?

For many of us, we grow up and little girls are dreaming of their knight in shining armor, someone who will be with them, protect them and be there in their life.  Those little girls dream of their magical princess dress that they will wear, the flowers, the music, and so many other details. For many little boys, their focus may be, will they have to dress up?  In the midst of those hopes and dreams, they are both envisioning things to be lasting for the lifetime.

As those children begin growing up and discovering even the person whom they are and the one whom they love has faults.  However, those faults are something that you are willing to accept and help one another be the best people that they can be together.  As we grow we begin to realize that we all have faults and we need others to help us all support and care for one another. Which brings us to what Jesus is speaking about today with his address to the Pharisees.  How do we as a community speak about divorce and respond when it does happen?

Many people have heard that divorce is a sin.  It is not something that a person plans on doing or even wants to have happened in their life.  There is pain and anguish to the point where it feels like their entire life is turned upside down.  Yet in the midst of all of that turmoil, should the church turn away as well? Absolutely not. We should be the ones offering hope, offering comfort and above all reminding them of the grace and love that comes from Jesus Christ.  For Jesus came into the world to help the brokenhearted, to bind the wounds of those who were suffering and gather together all those who felt as though God had forgotten them, us in the midst of the struggles and challenges of everyday life.  

In the eyes of God all sin is a sin, so on the cross, Jesus Christ died for the sins of all people.  In our Baptism, we are marked with the sign of Christ forever. Not only when we are doing everything perfectly but even when we sin and make mistakes.  We are all in need of the forgiveness and love of Jesus Christ. The blood that was spilled on the cross was for all people and all sins.

So we gather together and welcome all people who are in need of help and healing.  We help them back to where God is calling them and us to be and do within the world.  To act like children, loving and caring for all people but above all trusting that God will care for us and be with us ALWAYS! Amen.
