Sermon - 2018-03-29 - Good Friday

The account of Good Friday, the people, the hymns, and the emotions.  It takes us back to the graveside of a loved one in our own life. We remember the way the loved one treated us, taught us, and how we honor them in our daily life.  The loved ones who have meant so much for us. The loved ones who gave so much so that we could have the life that we are living. The loved ones who shared their faith with us so that we may be a part of this community today.  Yet it is in this dark hour, in our grief, we comfort each other.

Yet in this service does not seem to comforting.  Many of us wonder why it is called good. For a funeral, or even bearing witness to a loved ones final breath on Earth does not seem good.  However, the moment itself does not seem good until we realize what is taking place. This does not happen until much later. Until our ears hear of the promise that is bestowed upon them from God.

Now in the pit of despair and grief, darkness seems to overwhelm us and the world around us.  Tears flow and sadness weighs heavy upon us. Yet it is something that even here, God is reaching out to us.  For those tears that you can not hold back are water and draw us back to the water of our own Baptism. To the water of the Baptism of our loved ones.  The promise of being a child of God, the promise of God’s love, and the promise of God being with you always. Yet still pain and heartache are present, that is undeniable.  However, you are not alone.

Now bear witness to the love that Jesus Christ has for you.  That he is willing to give his life for your sake. Honor that gift by paying attention to his life, his love, and his teachings.  Amen.
