Sermon - 2018-03-14 - Banners

The symbols of the church that are here can be powerful and meaningful, like many parts of our lives, when we do not stop to remind even ourselves, the meaning and purpose can get lost among the hustle and bustle of this world.  Tonight I want you to be reminded of the banners that surround us.

The banners that surround us were made by a member of the church. Now stop and think about that, someone did the planning of what it was they were going to create.  Went to the time of gathering the material and then doing the work of putting it together so that you could look upon it for a moment to hopefully spark your thoughts, imagination and your heart to be reminded of a very important aspect of YOUR faith. As you look around the room there are a variety of banners throughout.  On the higher level, we have six. These remain here throughout the year.

To my left, your right:

We have three rings that represent the Trinity.  For many of us, we struggle to understand the relationship between God.  That God is three-person but One God. A confusing understanding but at last only comes through faith and acceptance of the reality that God is God and we are not.

The Crown is an eternal reminder that Jesus Christ is our King of Kings, our Lord of Lords.  Yet during this Lenten season, I am often reminded of the crown of thorns that we gave to Jesus.  Not a crown of glory and honor but our suffering and sin.

The Dove draws us back to the Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan and the Holy Spirit descends like a dove upon Jesus.  It is this same Holy Spirit that is with us. Doing so much for us and through us if we simply stop with our own agenda and glory.

The Star banner is a simple one that draws us back to Christmas.  That simple of night when God sent His Own Son into the broken world among the common and ordinary people.  Yet we missed it.

We have the Bible with the book of Chi and Rho.  In our English understanding, it may look like an X and R.  For the ancient people they would only need to see the first two letters of the word Christ and know that we are writing about Christ himself.  It is this same means that we get the shorthand form of Christmas or Xmas. Yes, the ancient people were using text speak long before phones and texting were even around.  

We have the Alpha and Omega.  This reminds us that God is the first and last of everything in our lives.  That it is God who should be at the heart and purpose for all that we do so when things get down, we turn to God.  When things are good, we turn to God.

During the season of Lent, our lower banners are different forms of crosses within our lives.  The many cultures and influences that others have made and realized Christ in their life. For there is one cross but when you begin to see the cross in the many parts of your life.  You are certainly reminded that God has created and sustained not only one church, not only one city but the church throughout the world.

Banners are actually connected to the history of stained glass.  It is through the banners and windows, that not only do they creatively add color and life into the space but more importantly there is a meaning that is found within them when we take the time.  But this begs the question, how often do you take the time for God in your life? What reminders do you have in your home, your office, your car, and in your life to be reminded and know God’s love for you? Amen.
