Sermon - 2017-09-10

When we first read today’s gospel lesson, it seems a little odd since today is our God’s Work, Our Hands celebration.  As we are looking more about how we can serve others in our community, how we can be the hands and feet of God into the world.  Our focus is upon others and their needs. It is probably so much of our desire, we want to help others and when others help us, it perhaps will make us feel weak.  As though they have something that we do not. We then in our society or culture have an idea that for many of us that we should not receive help from others. We are comfortable in giving to others but to receive help is something that we struggle with.

Perhaps it is good that as we are so focused upon the community and others, Jesus reminds us that first, we need to be reminded of our own self.  Our Gospel today confronts us truly about what it should look like for us to resolve our conflicts of opinions, emotions, or words that are said without thinking of the listener.  Here in the simple relationships that we have of family, friends and as a community. Here is where the true change begins in our hearts and minds.

With us going out and seeking to help others, we should also take the time while we are doing the physical labor to realize the ways in which our own life we have faltered.  The relationships and redemption that we need to do that are not physical but have so many physical impacts upon our life.

This is truly the heart of the gospel, changing our heart and mind to align with God so that we are able to physically live out the love that is given to us to those who are in need.

Simple yet so easily forgotten.  Today as we are doing this work, let us also be reminded of the ways that we can restore hope to people and even in our own life strive for justice and peace.
