Sermon 2015-05-10

Today, we are confronted with the commandment that Jesus gives to his disciples. This includes you.  “To love one another as I have loved you.”  Now stop to think about that.  It is a short sentence.  One that can easily be overlooked.  Yet, here is the mantra that we are called to live by.  To live like Jesus did within this world. However, for us, it is impossible.  For no one can accomplish this.  Yet this is what we are called to do and to strive for each day.

Now hearing that it is impossible, we may want to simply say, well then let’s forget it.  God is setting us up to fail.  However, when we stop and think of the whole life and faith of Jesus Christ, we are shown and bear witness to the extent that God is willing to go for each and every one of us.  We can not take this one line and use it as the whole Gospel, for it is truly the Law, calling us to do something that we can not do.  When we look at the whole of chapter 15, we look at the whole life of Jesus Christ and our own life.

In chapter 15, Jesus is talking about abiding with him.  There is no greater connection and no greater bond that a person can have than love.  Jesus was talking about the closeness and the degree to which we are to be connected with him.  So much so that he is the vine and we are the branches.  He is the one that connects each and every one of us.  Each and every single day, we are able to wake up and move, do and be because of our connection with God.

To truly understand all of this, perhaps we should look at our own lives.  Luckily, we have the perfect day.  Today is Mother’s Day.  The very first person who teaches us love in our life is often our mother. Your mother brought you into this world.  She loved you as you were being formed in the womb. Our Mothers do so much for us, feeding us, cleaning up after us and loves us.  Our mothers teach each of us so much.  How to clean our room; how to dress; and so much more. Our mothers teach us to cook and will take us to church.  Our mothers point us to the one who gave us to her.  She points us to God.  However, our mother is not perfect.  She has faults just as we all do.

Just as we all have faults, we also are taught about forgiveness and love. Along with that depth that the love truly holds us together.  God does not have those faults but teaches us even more than our mother could about forgiveness and love.  I know this is a day to celebrate mothers, but it is also a hard day for many as we remember those mothers who are not with us.  There shall be a day in which we are no longer walking this earth.  We will no longer be able to teach, to learn, to grow with others in our life.

Here is the Gospel. This life though it will end, will be made new.  We shall be united with God and others went before us, filled with God’s love and sharing that love with others.  This is something that we can be aware of and partake in, even now as we live and breath.

Jesus draws his disciples together to experience and share that love.  Today as you go forth, cherish the time you have with your mother and with everyone who you encounter.  Share that love freely and make this day swell with the love that God has given to you.  Amen.
