Sermon - 2015-03-01

I am so glad that today’s Scriptures are placed together in the lectionary. These two scriptures give us insight into the whole understanding of what Jesus is calling us to live out as disciples of Jesus Christ. First let’s talk about the passage from Mark of Jesus’ words to us.  He tells his own disciples that he is going to die.  His death will come soon, however it will not be the end.  Peter gives the reaction that we all have.  No, I do not want you to die.  I do not want you to be out of my sight. I want to protect you from all of that.   

Jesus knows that he must face this death. Jesus’ death is for the reunion and atonement of the whole people to God.  Peter is speaking against God’s Work in the world. It is declared that it is the work of Satan.  Any time we are working against God, we are working for the one angel who rebelled against God.  Luther would often refer to this as we are the horse with a saddle on our back. It would be either Satan or God who would be riding us, and thus leading us and guiding us.  

Jesus calls Peter out on his trusting only what was before him. And calls him to what God was doing in the world.  This is a struggle for all people in the world, we do not know, understand or realize the whole picture of this world.  Jesus exclaims that whoever shall follow him: “Let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”  Let’s be perfectly clear, it is not our own glory, our own honor, and for our own sake. Rather, we are called to have our sinful self put to death. Death on a cross, and instead follow the Will and Word of our Heavenly Father.  

Now as we look at the Roman passage, Paul is writing to a group of Christians who were born Jewish.  They were claiming that because they were children of Abraham, they were saved.  However, Paul rebuked them that it is not their birthright that will save them.  What will save them is the work of Jesus Christ.  Which is here that we find the biggest struggle for Christians in any age.  What is more important?  What’s on their heart? What’s on their mind?  There are many groups of Christians who will emphasize the mind.  You must learn this. You must know this. You must practice in a certain way so that you do it right.  Now please do not get me wrong. Knowing and understanding the promises of God are very important to any Christian.  However, there is another group which emphasizes the heart and living that out.  You should be a good person. Jesus should be in your heart so that you can live rightly in the world.  

It is the place in which these are both found. It is where Jesus is truly calling us to be as disciples.  For us to know and understand the promise and gift that is Jesus Christ in this world.  We are given abundant grace in this world.  We live out that knowledge, by having those promises and gifts reflect in our hearts now so that others will know these promises and gifts when we are no longer here.  So that our heart and our mind are truly leading us.  

However, it is never what we do in this world that achieves our salvation. Rather it is purely and simply a gift given to us through Jesus Christ as we are made children of God, the death of the cross, and the love and grace that is given to us.  We worry so much about this world and we plan a future. Because of that we actually miss out on what is going on right here and now.  So this week, take time to reflect upon what’s on your heart and your mind.  What is leading you and guiding you?  But more importantly, what’s happening right now of which God is calling you to be a part? For God’s promise is always with you. God’s love is always there for you.  Thanks be to God. That is a promise for all eternity. Amen.
