Sermon - 2014-12-21

Today, we are coming to the end of the Royal Highway.  We started with so much laid out for us.  It was given to us by our Savior and Lord but also by those loved ones who have gone before us.  Those who have traveled, learned, and shared what they knew with us.  As we gather here, we begin to wonder, what is there for me to do?  Plenty!  In fact today, we hear of the person who is one of the greatest examples of servant hood and being a faithful servant to God.  

Mary is the mother of Jesus. She demonstrates to us today, what it looks like for us as a human being called by God into service.  The very first thing that Mary experiences is shock.  Standing right before her is an angel, a messenger of God who is bringing to her a message from her creator and sustainer.  In the midst of that shock, she is told that message.  She listens to the message that God is calling her to do.  

Once she hears the message, then she has to believe it.  She asks questions and makes sure that she understand it.  Even though she did not fully comprehend everything, she trusted that God will fulfill that Word and Promise that was given to her.  Now this is something that needs to be clarified.  She heard the message, but did not fully understand all that God was calling her to do and be.  Some of the message, she was able to learn and grow as she was answering that call, and doing the work that God had called her to do.  The more she did and understood, the more her faith grew.  

The people around her supported her. One person in particular was Elizabeth, Mary’s relative.  She also had received God’s Word that she would bear a child. This child of Elizabeth, would be John the Baptist, the person whom we have been talking about for the past two weeks.  From the time that Mary and Elizabeth met each other, Elizabeth supported Mary in every way that she could. This gave her confidence on the journey ahead.  Even Joseph, Mary’s fiance, supported Mary in continuing to care for her.  He helped her bear the son and provided for her afterwards.  He did not abandon her because of the message that was given to him by the angel.

As the days and weeks went on, Mary began to see how God would support her in her faith and fulfill the word that was delivered to her.  Others also encouraged her by sharing words of hope and encouragement.  

So what does Mary teach us about our own faith and work that God is calling us to do?

  1. listen - God’s Word and what God is calling us to do within the world.
  2. believe  (head knowledge, right understanding but also wrestling with questions to find the deeper meaning)
  3. trust that God will fulfill that Word and promise  (living that faith in our daily lives)
  4. share the word with others (for there is a community to support you with God’s mission in the world.)

This is such a simple break down but then again in the midst of everything else that is going on the in the life of the person, sometimes simple seems better.    

As we journey together down the Royal Highway, we listen to what God is calling us to do and to be within the community.  We work to repair, rebuild, and even construct as God is doing something new in the world around us.  We support each other wherever we are at on the journey of life and faith. We need to hear God’s Word and live out that faith.
