Lutheran Boot Camp

A recent article really got me thinking. (NPR - Boot Camp for Mormon Missionaries)  How is the Lutheran church sharing their faith with others?

I began to think about what would the classes that we could teach our missionaries before they went out.

Law & Gospel
Baptism & Communion
Care for our Neighbor
Culture of the nation you are going to....
Language Classes
How will this experience impact your faith? And Resources to help you during this time.

What else would be important for a missionary to know?

Just think of the experiences that our youth could be a part of.  How they could be shaped and even shape the future of the church.  We do some of this work with Young Adults in Global Missions.  Yet what if we were able to expand that and help all our members become disciples and missionaries within their own homes.  (Please understand, I am not advocating we also dress in white shirts, black pants with a black tie or other modest dress to go knocking door to door.) However, I am thinking how can we help our own society and churches as people move so much more in our modern times.  How could these new eyes and insights help existing congregations?

While there will still be those who are able to stay within one congregation within their life.  As people are moving, how are we offering them a new home, a new place to serve as a disciple in their faith and be a part of the larger church within the world. Perhaps we can learn something from our own past.  When others came from foreign countries to make this new land their home, how were they welcomed and how were they able to form new communities that were established to this present day.

How would this change the church you are a part of?
