Book Review - What is Christianity by Gail Ramshaw


Have you ever had questions about the Christian faith?  Why this is so important to some and why others regard it as nothing?  Gail Ramshaw composes a wonderful book that helps answers many questions that people have regarding the Christian faith.  Ramshaw writes in such a way, a person is easily able to understand.  In this way, Ramshaw helps the reader grasp different perspectives of understanding.  Ramshaw offers countless definitions to clarify what the meaning of each word is as they are typically used within the church.  


This book provides great insight for anyone who is part of the Christian faith, helping them understand more about the gathering of the books that make up the Bible.  Ramshaw discusses the different denominations that have formed, and the roots to our modern church.  This book would be ideal for any college course looking at the topics that are covered.  I could see great potential in a high school study or adult education opportunities within the church.  At the end of each chapter, Ramshaw offers suggestions for discussion and for further learning to take place among those who are reading the book.  


Ramshaw gives the Christian voice a clear and easily understood insight into the history of the church.  While the book offers the reader a good picture of the great movements, Ramshaw includes many references for the reader to go and explore more about the topic.  

I would highly recommend this book to anyone hoping to learn more about Christianity.  
