Sermon - 2014-04-09 - Peace and Justice

We have gone through quite a long journey.  One that has taken us from the beginning of our faith, whether that was near our birth or another time in our life. From that moment that God entered into our lives, we were changed, we had heard a great truth in this world that we live in.  Through that moment, we began to understand this Creator and Sustainer within our own life. Then looking at how we have entered into that relationship with God in prayer.  Having conversations with him and trusting him within our life.  Then we began in studying Scripture and Worship.  How we engage in deeper understanding and relating to God within our life.  Then we talked about serving one another and a time to be served within the world.  

Tonight, we look at how we work for justice and peace within the world.  But also look at how we can help those who are not among us yet but also encouraging those who are here.  

But first, I want to share with you a story.  When I was growing up, I learned to ride my bike.  I can still remember my dad putting on my training wheels.  I enjoyed riding my bike.  I could go anywhere, I could travel as far as my legs would take me.  But soon, one summer night, my dad told me that he was going to take away the training wheels.  I knew that he was going to take away two of those wheels.  Taking away two of the wheels that built my trust, it was because of all four of the those wheels that I was able to ride my bike as far as I could.  My dad told me that it was going to be alright.  He would be right there with me as I was riding.  I thought he could do anything, he was my dad.  So when I started to ride my bike, my dad would run along side, holding on to my bike seat.  I knew that I was safe but soon, he took his hand off.  I was doing it! I was riding my bike and I was doing it without training wheels.  I kept going as far as I could.  But soon, I began to lean and couldn’t stop it.  I found myself falling and then I was on the ground.  I had scrapped my knee, my arm and I cried out, “Dad!!”  My dad was there to let me know that I was going to be ok.  I got bandaids and I would heal.  My parents were there to help me feel better and heal.  

When looking at the story, what if God treated us all like that?  As we understand God’s love that is given to us every single day of our lives, What if our heavenly Father treated us and loved us as we love our own children.  As we understand God within our daily lives, we should understand that God loves us even more, caring for all our needs and giving us even things that we do not deserve.  God gives to us so generously and lovingly that we can become overwhelmed with it all.  

Now taking this love that God has shared with us, we then reach out and welcome people here and in this place. We offer to them the same love, hope and promise that God gives to us through his own son Jesus Christ.  As we continue to receive and be reminded of this ongoing gift within our own life, we share this continually with others who we encounter in our own life.  For we share the love and hope that is found in the promise of Jesus Christ for all.

Yet here is the real great understanding that Jesus is bringing to us all.  We are all equal.  We are all loved.  We are all together in the body of Christ.  So that as we gather, we realize that we grow because of one another.  As we share our stories of life, love and even the scars that have shaped us.  We learn and grow from one another.  Helping one another on the journey of faith that God has brought upon but also we gather in this place to sing God’s praise and be reminded that God is with us in our life here and now.  

The church then becomes the place that we gather to enjoy a community, be reminded that we are not alone and that God’s love is still with us.  That as we share our gifts and we bear witness to one another and their talents, we encourage one another reminding them that they are important part of this community and that they would be missed greatly if they were not here and part of it all.  For God calls us to be in community to help and guide one another throughout our life and faith journeys.  

So go, living out your days worthy of the gift, sharing the love that God has given to you and knowing that you are the body of Christ in the world.  Amen.
