Sermon - 2013-12-24 - Christmas Eve

Tonight is the third most important night within the Christian faith.  Tonight we celebrate, we gather together, and we welcome family and friends to be a part of it all. We wouldn’t be the church, we wouldn’t be called Christians without this night.  For some of you, you were hauled here so that you can enjoy the festivities later.  Some of you have been gone to school for so long that you are so glad to have a home cooked meal and not have to stare at a computer screen to write another paper.  Perhaps even some of you have been coming here for years and it is just part of the traditions.  Good, that’s important; but what’s even more important is why this is part of your traditions.

Yes, more important than the gifts, the tree, the food, and all of those things is this event that we hear about.  Why?  Because without this event, without this child, without God’s love, none of those things would have happened.  Now for some of you this may come as a surprise.  You were dragged here tonight, and even some Sunday mornings, to listen to me or someone else preach.  You probably don’t remember a whole lot, but that was done out of LOVE.  They loved you so much and were so thankful that you were given to them by God, that they came here and wanted you to know more about this Creator who has given you to them.

Yes, love is the reason we gather for traditions and love is the real reason we gather here tonight.  One of the greatest theologians, who has wrestled with the whole Bible and bring the message of the Bible to others, was Karl Barth.  Karl Barth wrote volumes of ideas and concepts found within the Bible.  Barth was asked this question. "Of all the theological insights you have ever had, which do you consider to be the greatest of them all?

It was the perfect question for a man who had written literally tens of thousands of pages of some of the most sophisticated theology ever put into print.  The students held pencils right up against their writing pads, ready to take down verbatim the premier insight of the greatest theologian of their time.
Karl Barth closed his eyes, and he thought for a minute, and then he half smiled, opened his eyes, and said to those young seminarians, "The greatest theological insight that I have ever had is this: "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so."

My dear friends in Christ, I submit to you that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest love story ever written!

I wish with all my heart that everybody could read it that way, but I'm afraid to say that I meet people every day for whom it reads more like a used car contract.  Somehow in the midst of all those beautiful love verses, they hear only clauses and conditions and the spelling out of all the consequences should any or all those clauses and conditions ever be infracted.

So I thank God that Christmas comes around once a year to remind us that God isn't in the business of keeping books and tallying ledgers, nor is God concerned about our status or position in life.  If God were concerned about any of those things,  then I submit to you that Christ would never have been born into such disagreeable circumstances as we find in the second chapter of Luke this evening"

I couldn’t agree more with Dr. Barth.  Christmas is the very intersection in which God enters into humanity.  We come face to face with God and God tells us exactly what he thinks of us.  “I love you so much.”  God wrote that message within the entire cosmos for the Magi to witness in the sky.  It was announced to the lowliest of people, the shepherds who were on the night shift.  God wrote that message in blood, flesh and life of Jesus. Here, we have the message of God’s love being announced and coming alive before us.  Not to the rich and the wealthy, not to be broadcast and announced by every major broadcasting station, on every Facebook status or twitter feed.  But to the entire world through a person, to live among us, to love us and show us that love throughout his being.

This knowledge is something that many of you know.  Jesus comes and sees that this earthly life is still distant from God.  Some people are caring for the world, and doing what God had created them to do. Yet others are not dwelling in God’s presence.  Jesus sees that this world is still broken.  Jesus takes on the trials which stand against all people, their hopes and dreams.  In this way Jesus helps us face our sins and our punishment.  Taking it upon himself, Jesus faces the religious leaders, the political leaders, and all who are in power.  He is sentenced to death on the cross.  The same death that we shall all face.  It was here, on the cross, that he suffered and died.  It was here, on the cross, that death is brought to death.  For three days later, Jesus was raised from the dead. Everyone who believes in Jesus Christ shall be given new life, an eternal life.  Not an earthly life, but one in which you shall dwell in the presence of God, your creator, sustainer, and now redeemer.  Yet, peace, joy, and hope begin when that knowledge is put to practice.  When we realize that God does love us and accepts us just as we are, that love and that acceptance begins at Christmas.  This infant, God made flesh, the Son of Man, the Prince of Peace, and King of Kings is the very living reminder that we have that we are never alone.  No matter where you are in life.  No matter what condition you find yourself in. No matter how far you might stray away, or how unfaithful we are.  God, who is the ultimate lover will pursue you in love for all eternity so that you may return to the love that you are truly seeking found in God alone.

May God bless each one of you!  Merry Christmas!
