My unexpected Christmas Gift

A cold winter night in December, it was about -5 that night.  I got done with confirmation and then had a council meeting of the Parish leaders.  Following that meeting, at about 10pm, I walked outside where one of the leaders had the hood of his truck up.  At first I thought that he was having engine trouble and that he would need a jump or something.  I walked over and asked if I could help in anyway.  He said, he noticed some paw prints in the snow and they ended at his truck. So he pounded on the hood and heard a small "meow".  He opened the hood and there was a small kitten that had entered into the engine in hopes to find a warm place.

So I helped him coax out the kitten and since it was so late and he had dogs at home, I took home the cat.  She was cold, hungry thirsty and a little scared.  I placed her in my spare bathroom, gave her some water but I had no food, no litter, and did not know if she was healthy.  I let my parents know and told a few friends about what had happened.  I got a towel for the kitten to cuddle in and get warm.  She seemed so happy to enjoy some warmth and have some water to drink, I can still remember her purring.

 Mentioning to Christy, my girlfriend, about the kitten and what I was worried about, she offered to go and get litter and food for the kitten.   What a relief.  When Christy arrived, the kitten was overjoyed with the food.

The kitten was purring and was both happy to be there but also a little scared of what her future held for her.  Can't say as I blame her, she was no longer at home, her parents and siblings no longer with her, and now she is in a new place with this stranger.  I took her in to the Vet the next morning to make sure she was health and to determine if I would be keeping her.

Thankfully, she was very health, about three months old but had ear mites which is rather common for kittens who lived outside.  She received her shots, treatment for the ear mites and we are beginning to bond forming a good relationship.  When thinking about names, I wanted something that was different but would still capture her beauty and personality.  At first I was thinking diesel however, that did not seem femine enough.  So naturally, I began thinking of Biblical names and my mom suggested one that really stuck out, Naomi.  She had faced hardships just as Naomi in the Bible had faced and yet, she still wanted the best for others.

So far, Naomi and I have gotten along quite well.  I am hoping that she will be a great addition to my life and will prove to be just as loyal and loving as Naomi and Ruth held within their relationship. 
