Media influences culture

Recently I was watching a movie in which a large congregation was gathering together. The pastor within the congregation was speaking about the great work that the people were doing within the church.  Instead of going on and on, the pastor turned the microphone over to the leader of the new group.  The leader began speaking to the congregation about the work they were doing and how simple it was but then turned and said you need to be a part of it too.  God is calling you to do the same thing.  More people needed to join this movement and enjoy the same success and glory that they have enjoyed.  The inspiring speech was great, motivating and yet was so very scripted for the movie it was in.

At first, I thought that this movie was great.  The Pastor was encouraging and growing leaders within the congregation gathering everyone to Jesus Christ.  This is what the church should be doing and helping people live out within their life.  The people were also taking ownership of their Baptism and the life that God was calling them to live within.

But the mold that was being presented was a mold, a lifestyle, a vision and a church that was not sustainable or obtainable.  Worst of all, the end result was not that you form a relationship or faith in Jesus Christ but rather you have a picture perfect family and gave the appearance that you were living a perfect life, free from sin as defined by the church many years ago.

I stopped and thought about the types of groups and churches that Jesus was calling us to form.  Small groups of people so that the individuals could be cared for, could grow together, and to share the joys and sorrows of this world.  However, the image of the screen is stronger than the image from our own imagination by reading a page of a book.  Looking at some churches, they are growing to large groups of people and yet I wonder if the purpose, meaning and heart of the church is getting lost within the crowd.

The church is the very place in which the Gospel is preached and the sacraments are distributed.  Here within the church, people engage the past, present and future while being reminded that God is the one who gave you the past, present and future through God's Word and promise.  We hear that promise, it changes our life, and we go forth to serve those around us.  For every day that God gives us breathe, life and God's very Word, we are called to serve one another.

Yet I am amazed at how many have been placing the Word of God against what the culture is doing.  There is so much distinction being made as if things are black and white.  Yet when Jesus came to Earth, he reminded the people that the Laws were there to help people have good relationships and care for one another.  When the Laws become such a thing that they create division and "us vs. them", we need to be reminded of why we have the Law in the first place but also that we are a people who live out the Gospel found in Jesus Christ.  How did Jesus change or fulfill the Law that we now live out? Jesus reminds us that to make divisions is not the purpose of the Law but rather to care for one another and lives that God has blessed us with.

It was this foundation that Jesus truly wanted to return the whole people to understand.  For we are all united and gathered in Jesus Christ.  Working toward the Kingdom of God, caring and loving one another helping each one of us share the gifts that God has given to us.  For the Law and the Gospel have been given to us as God's people to be reminded of how we are both sinners and saints to face the judgement of God and not the judgement of others.  We share the rich blessings that God has given to us with those in need, not with holding them because God is not doing what we would do but rather sharing because we care and love the people around us.

We are created as co-creators not as judges or jury to share in the judgement.  We live out our lives by the very Word of God and not what the media or culture has determined that we should focus upon but rather the whole Law and the whole Gospel.  We live within that tension God has placed within the world.  It does not always make sense but we know and trust that through God's Word that we shall be called, claimed, redeemed, and loved by God.  Thanks be to God that we have the Word of God and share in the blessings that God bestows upon us.
