Why there were only 12 disciples. (Case for small groups within a church or small churches)

In recent years, I have noticed a growing number of larger congregations. Congregations where there are more programs, more people and more focus on keeping more people caring for the institution that is the building and not really the Gospel.  (Please note, I am not saying that all large congregations fit this but there seems to be a growing trend.)  You may notice the features:

Young pastor - cause young pastors can relate to the youth and our church does not have any.

Band - cause the old songs do not speak to the people that you are trying to get into your building.

Focus on Life - most of the messages, classes and general direction of the congregation is helping people in their physical journey.  Right living and morals are the dominate messages being given. 

Less emphasis on Jesus and more emphasis on 'What Scripture teaches us' becomes the language in which we hear more and more with the messages.

Now you may be saying but our congregation has some of these things but how will I know?  Then the next you go to the service, listen to the sermon, is Jesus mentioned?  Who is the message for?  Look at the bulletin or list of classes offered, who are they trying to reach?

So then what did Jesus emphasize?  What should I be looking for within a church?

Read through the Gospels.  Jesus was looking for people who stuck in their life because the way society told them that they could be nothing else.  Jesus had them learn exactly what God wanted for them and all people within their life.  To love God and love one another.  The best way to do this is to be in community, communication, with one another and with God.  Jesus took those twelve and had them share life with one another. The joys, sorrows, sickness, health, teachings of God and how that relates to their life.  It was this constant relation with one another that allowed them to grow and be.  It was not perfect, the disciples did not understand or fully comprehend the teachings that Jesus was giving them.

When Jesus met someone on his journey and he wanted to get to know them, he would get together for a meal.  They would gather to share in food, conversations and share life's events.  This would often be with undesired people, sinners, who others would often avoid and Jesus would take the time to get to know them and care for them. Treating them like people and not ignoring them for the righteous, or those who thought they were living a perfect life.

Now there were times that large groups did form, feeding of the 5000, feeding of the 4000, and others.  But look closely, each time those people would hear the message but then not understand the heart of the message, the degree that the message was being laid upon them.  The people were longing for more but were simply looking for what would help them in this world. As something to follow, something to cling to but Jesus was bringing them something for them to grasp not only in this world but also the gift of eternal life, a bread that nourished all their wants, a water that quenched their thirst of life and would take them into the relationship that they truly longed for with their Creator, Sustainer and Redeemer.

It is this discipleship, relationship and community that churches should also strive for within their congregations.  Large congregations can do this and so can small congregations.  Forming small groups to have discussions, to share life and to help one another.

Have a sign up and welcome people into your home for a meal.  You provide a main dish, someone else can bring a vegetable dish, another person a salad of some kind, and another person can bring a desert.

Host Family      __________________________

Vegetable Dish __________________________

Salad                __________________________

Desert               __________________________

When you gather together, things are simple. Find out what is new within people's lives, how are they doing, and even what they are hoping to do in the future.  Ask them where they would like to go on vacation.  After two times of this you can do the check in on their life and how they are doing and then gather to read a passage of Scripture.

Some great ones to focus on are:

The Lord's Supper
How is this meal we are sharing like the Lord's Supper?
What can we do to share our church like Jesus shared himself?
What should be our focus from this meal of Jesus and this meal?

We remember those who do not have food, how can we help them?
How can we welcome them into our lives, our church and enrich our lives because of them?
How does this meal and this message relate to our lives every day?

I pray that getting together with other disciples, having these discussions, you will find the Christ that is in the Bible, in your life and resurrection.  I pray that it helps you, your church and your community.  May the love of God shine through you to others.  For it is through these close relationships with others, that you shall truly experience the love of God, the sacrifice that Jesus has given for you, and the love that God is calling us to share with one another. 
