Why isn't God more like Google?

When I have a question about something, one of the first things that I do is go to a search engine to find an answer.  My preferred one as of late has been Google.  Yet I know that there are other places to search for answers.  Within our modern time, Google or other search engines (Bing, Yahoo and really the list could go on) are the gurus that people go to for answers.  Whether it is finding a definition, explaining how to do something or even finding out the latest news.  One of the main reasons that we turn to this is because it is quick and the answers are generally the most sorted through by experts and others who have done what we are searching for.  Most of the time, thousands of results are found in less than one second.

Yet when I want an answer about faith or even my relationship with God.  When I pray to God, I do not get an instant answer.  Something that satisifies my longing, calms my spirits or even gives me guidance to what I should do.  It is days like this that I wish God was more like Google.  Days that are difficult, that are trying, in which everything seems to be going wrong and I just want the answer, I want the one thing that could actually help me get through this time.

Yet what God gave to me was exactly what I needed.  God knew that before I even asked the question.  What I needed was someone to listen, to get the emotions (the frustration, anger, eagerness, anxiety, and all the other range of emotions) out to express them.  God provided that listening ear.  God wasn't silent because God didn't know the answer.  God knew that no matter what answer, I would have been given that I would have refused it and rejected it all.  So God sat with me, provided me with the things I needed and even put a few great people within my life to know that God was still there with me.

In the end, God was still there.  Then after the situation was over.  God gave me the answer.  You were searching for an answer but no answer would satisfy you, so I did the work with you.  You cried and I comforted. You shared your feelings and your deepest longings and I heard them all.  You wandered through the wilderness and I was right next to you.  Now we are walking together once again.  I am glad we got through that together and now you skip for joy and run in the sun but know that there will come a time when we shall walk through the darkness once again.  I will try to lead you away from it but you have to listen and not go your own way.

When the answer came to me.  All I could do was pray and give thanks.  No matter what my question, no matter what the situation, and no matter where I went, God was with me.  Leading me, guiding me and will never leave me.  Google can't do that. I am glad God is not like Google.  Google gives me the answer to the question but God knows the question and the answer before I even know either.
