The Church that could be.

When you think of church, what do you think of?

Honestly, write it down.  It all down.  Maybe even draw a picture, to help you capture all that you are thinking of.

Now think of the church that you attend.  How are the same? How are they different?

Now for the truth:  That ideal church that you first wrote about, can not happen.  For one thing, it is in your mind.  It would only happen if everyone did what you did.  You would be the god of that church.

The church that you attend is not perfect.  Why?  The people who attend there are sinners and saints.  Yes even you.  Don't get me wrong you are not a bad person but within our lives, things happen, we make choices that we find out later, hurt someone else or even ourselves.  That's ok, you are human.  Along with that, when you get more than one person in a room, there are different ideas, concepts, and thoughts of what this church should be.  When that happens, there are many discussions and agreements that should happen in order to find a way that all are happy and can work together.

The one thing that we have not talked about so far, is what does God say the church should be?

Within the Old Testament:

Within the New Testament:

Ultimately, what truly matters is that the church is the gathering of the people in which they are able to encounter the God of creation, of the cross, and of salvation.  What truly matters is that the people engage in a relationship with God and then also one another.  For this is the church, the people who are gathered together to love and care for one another.  Sharing the Gospel, giving the love, mercy, grace, comfort, and hope that they have been given through Jesus Christ. 
