Sermon - 2013-07-17

The Good Samaritan Story is one that is heard so often that we can often forget the real meaning of the story.  The lawyer stood up and wanted to justify himself.  He wanted to make sure, in the eyes of God, he would receive the gift of eternal life.  Yet Jesus instead focuses the lawyer into this world.  To this life and to those whom he shall encounter, Jesus reminds the lawyer that this world is also important, it is why God created you within this world, gave you the law and have you work with others around you.  

When the lawyer asks his question to receive eternal life, he is really asking. How can I make sure I am going to heaven?  But Jesus wants to know what the man already knows, so he asks him, what does the Law say? For the Law was given as a gift of love from God to help the people have good relationships with God and one another.  So first, Jesus wants to know, does the man know this.  The man states the summary of Law by quoting Deuteronomy 6:5.  Jesus is glad to hear that the man knows this and tells him that.  Tells him exactly if you do these things, you will live.  

Now please note, the man is asking about eternal life and Jesus tells him about life.  The lawyer knows about God but who is his neighbor that he should be helping?  So Jesus shares with him this parable, this story of the Good Samaritan.  The priest and the levite who pass by the man, do this because of the laws that say that they will be unclean for touching a man and his bodily fluids.  They will not be able to attend church, do their work with others and so they are caring only for themselves.  Yet it is the Samaritan and an outcast, who stops and helps the man who is in need.  The Samaritan knows the true purpose of the Law and is living it out by caring for the creation that is around him.  The Lawyer is right, it is not the priest or the very wealthy man who would often be viewed as “blessed by God” for his wealth that are truly living out this life. For they are thinking only of themselves.  

So why does Jesus tell this lawyer about this life and not the eternal life that the Lawyer is asking about?  Jesus wants you, the lawyer, or any person who will wonder why God gave you this life.   You were created with a purpose, but that purpose is not found within caring for yourself and making sure your own is taken care of; but rather your purpose is to care for the people who you encounter.  That you are sharing with them the love that God has shared with you.  God gave us Jesus Christ his son so that the eternal life that you are so longing for is secure in Jesus Christ.  For that was his purpose to secure for you, the gift of eternal life so that you are free to live your life caring for those around you.  Jesus Christ becomes that motivation, the stark reminder of God’s love in your life and so you do not need to worry about that eternal life for it is given to you so you can focus on this life and who is in need around you.  

Thanks be to God that we have been given such a gift of life, eternal life and that we are able to share that with those around us. 
