Unlimited God…Limited World

Within the Bible, the beginning says that God created the heavens and the earth along with that, God parted light from darkness. In the beginning….Here we are brought to the very beginning to understand how and why God created this universe and even you.  Within recent years, many have declared that the Big Bang Theory is the most probable theory of how the universe came into being.  However, these two theories then are not in opposition with one another but these two understandings of creation. Couldn’t God create this universe through the means of the Big Bang? What if God started the Big Bang and also created the various life forms within the world?  (How much time determines which theory but then again does time really matter in understanding the world compared to ones lifetime.)
So what does that creation have to do with us?  EVERYTHING!! The creation is still happening all around us. Each year, we bear witness to the birth, life, death, and even resurrection within the changing of the seasons.  We bear witness to these events and along with it, God writes our love story with him and all creation in these seasons.  Though this creation did not live up to God’s standards (us falling from the Garden, us harming one another, us harming creation and even the next generation after us.) Regardless of whether you are a Creationist or a believer in the Big Bang, we can agree that we need to care more for this creation and care for it for the future.
The creation itself is still creating.  The God who created this world is still creating and still apart of this world. This is the reason for the natural disasters that we witness within the world. Places where we have developed or expect things to remain the same, have these events to bring forth new life.  As a forest fire burns through acres, it allows ash to prepare the soil for the next generation along with open the seeds to enjoy the rich earth that is prepared.  When a tidal wave, earth quake or volcano unfold upon the world, it leaves a path of destruction but afterwards, in that clean slate, new life and creation is able to take place once again.
This cycle of creation, life, death and new birth or more creation continues and is part of the design of this world.  Yet for many of us, we focus on the destruction and the death of what was.  We mourn what was.  We desire for that past to return. Yet as the universe continues to expand, grow and create, there shall be a need for the old to be cleared away for the new.  We live within a limited world and universe.  We live on an oasis within a dessert of space, planets we can not inhabit, with stars, systems, and debris all over the place. 

Amidst it all, we have a God who created and loved us to give us this oasis to care for, enjoy, and create within as well. We have been a speck of sand in which to enjoy in the entire space that God created and still creates within.  So what does it all mean? How can you encounter a God who created, sustains and still creates all of this? Begin by looking at the world around you, then enjoy the two most important gifts that you have been given. 1. YOU! 2. A relationship with God to be a part of it all.
When you have done that then you will begin to realize the gift you have been given and still receive.  Along with how precious that gift truly is. 
