What kind of church is God calling us to be?

I am sure many people wish a burning bush moment within their life.  A time in which things are clear and God is calling you to do something.  However, think about that, what God was calling Moses to do was to stand up against people whom he called family and release the new family that Moses just realized he was a part of.  Moses was able to do wonders within the world but through those wonders thousands of people suffered.

Alright so let's try a different way, "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Well then that would you mean that you have to take the time, read the stories, understand them and figure out how they can help you in your current situation. Not only that but make sure it is actually God's Will and not your own that is guiding you.

There are many helpful resources to help you as a church figure out what it is God is calling you to do within the community.  It is also important for you as God's people to pray and reflect to understand how you can live that out in your life. For many that were growing up in the 1950s and even to now, we have been living in more of an age of consumerism.  As such, the language and expectations are apart of us, however the message and language of the church are against many of these expectations.  The church is very counter culture to that very notion.

Since the early 1700s, people have been striving to make more sense out of the world.  They have wanted to know how they are involved and even begin rationalize everything within their lives.  However, how do you rationalize things that don't make sense; death, life, God, and war.  For many these things became a choice.  I chose where and how I shall die.  I will chose how I live my life and what I shall do with it. I will chose to believe in God or not. I will go to war if it is a just cause.

This may seem like topics that have nothing to do with answering the question, however they are very important to arrive at the answer. For now understanding these things, we are able to reflect and understand how we have come to the church that we have today.  For the church is comprised of individuals and a people that are also part of the greater culture. However, far more often the Will of God is different than the will of the people within the culture.  So today, we live in a mostly consumerist society.  One that is focused on the best deal, something that makes sense, and something that will be profitable for our selves.  This is also how we view church.
Now, the church is striving for people to move from the this Consumer Church to a more Missional Church.   This movement from being served to serving.  This movement goes from going to being, that is no longer does the person simply show up to be a part of church but now they take responsibility for the events and meaning of those events.   Truly this means that the people need to understand and take the time to discern the meaning of the purpose that they are there among the community.  This is an embracing of the Lutheran understanding of the "Priesthood of all Believers".  

However, at the time when the teaching of the "Priesthood of all Believers" was taught, there was a problem.  The people used their Christian Freedom in such ways that were actually against the teaching of Christ and they fell into their sinful habits.  Though for many of them used the teachings in false ways to support their actions though they were actually destroying the church and community around them.  Both of the above directions have one thing that is lacking and should really be part of the equation.  The biggest part of the equation, GOD!

So what are we as church leaders and people of the church suppose to do?  What is God truly calling us to do as the church? I started to really wrestle with these questions a few years ago. There are times in which the church should be both of the movements, for there are times that we share with those who are in need of help and guidance for growth and acceptance within their life.  It is important for the church to serve those who are looking and longing for things to help them understand the world around them.  However, it is also important for the church to raise up leaders who can then also help those who are hurting.  One of the greatest things that the church can do is help the people around them be citizens within this world and also prepare them to be citizens in the kingdom to come.  The church is not simply a place for us to be encouraged that we are doing a good job or cheering us on along the race but a place that we can actually take the time to wrestle with the struggles within the world and work together to actually overcome them through love and caring for one another.  It is also a place that we should be providing resources on where are good places and resources to actually be fed with.  While there are a variety of Christian interpretation and understandings within the world, each has along with it strength and weaknesses.  

Which form of Christianity is right?  Should we simply place them all together and all gather in the name of Jesus?  I would say YES to both questions, HOWEVER I would also require the need for words of encouraging and accepting those with other teachings is important.  Much like within a family, each person is different with different personality, strengths and gifts along with perspectives, all should be part of the Family of God with an understanding that though we shall not all agree (let's be honest, there are always conflicts within a family) we are still a family that will stay together.  For we are all living in the Father's World and in the Father's love.  

What about those who deny the Father entirely?  Should we simply turn out back upon them?  Absolutely NOT!!  We should instead, encourage them to participate and learn more about the community and how they are part of it and helping it grow to be a stronger place with them included.  For there are many times within our lives that we struggle with our Father, it is one of the reasons that the First commandment is: You shall have no other gods before me.  This includes you as being your own god. 

The Family of God in which we all gather together, love another, and help one another is the model and structure that all churches, whether large or small, should strive for.  For within a family, we learn who we are and how we can be a part of the community.  How we are loved and can support those around us who love us.  So what one sentence phrase should we all follow?  How about: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul and love your neighbor as you would love yourself.  For you come to the church and be the church everyday as you remember your baptism along with the promises that were given to you. 

While many will say that the church needs to change within the new age to be relevant and connect with people.  That is the purpose of being the church, to bring forth a new age and connect people with one another.  This allows people to not only being in community with one another but also to be in community with God.  However, God should be the central purpose and uniting factor for the church.  So if you are really looking for a motto to follow.  Turn to the words of Christ, living in those promises that were given to you and living out the promises that you gave to God at your Baptism. This is truly the essence of church and how all Christians shall be within the world.
