Social Media in the Church

Social Media is all around us.  It is the way we connect with friends or family.  We can share photos, videos, and even what we enjoy.  There are a variety of social media platforms and each one offers a means in which the person can present themselves or even what they want to share.  Facebook, Twitter, and wikipedia are all places in which people can share ideas and information.  Instagram and Tumblr allow you to share images with a caption.  (This feature is also on facebook.)

Regardless of what interface you or other use.  It has a profound impact upon a person's life.  A person will engage their device which allows them to share with others around them or at a distant who are following them.  When Christ came to his disciples he told them to "Follow Him".  Christ engaged these men and brought them into relationship with himself and one another.  Yet that is what the church is, the very body of Christ.  Allowing people to gather together to share one another life, the joys and sorrows but also being reminded of who gathers us, God.

The word of God that we are drawn to hear and experience is something that is alive and well within the world.  A person will often think of God's Word within the Bible or a sermon being delivered to a congregation.  However, is that it?  Should we limit God to only work through those means?  I don't think so.  The Word of God dwelled among the people so that they were able to understand it. (Yet, even that did not work out completely)  The Word of God is something that should be shared and given away freely.  It is something that we are given and it can come to us in many ways within the world. 

Social Media is simply another way in which we as a church should engage people.  Allowing them to see who we truly are and even what we do within our own lives.  It may even come to surprise some people that Pastors are people too. We go to restaurants, sporting events, and even enjoy a movie.  Social Media can also help people wrestle with tough questions, there can be a sharing of wisdom from others that are in a different state, different culture and even different background.  All of these things make us a richer and more diverse church. By allowing this to happen people are able to engage the Word of God wherever they are and at any time.  This does not corrupt the church but actually allows both sinners and saints to gather around the one who calls, gathers, and redeems us all.  Yes it may even reform the church but that reform will bring us closer to God and we may realize that God has been within our lives this whole time.  The church may not be within a building but be as fluid as a community is.  Now this works great in the way that the Word, something that can be conveyed through the internet and social media.  However, it also raises still the need for what the church has always been, the hands and feet of Christ.  For part of being human and a Christian is to physically help someone where they are and actually give them the body and blood of Christ to be reminded of the work that Christ has done and is doing within world. 

This makes for an uncertain future. One in which we do not know where it is going and what it will look like.  However, we can be certain that God will still be at work in, with and among us so that we are still gathered in God's name and serving those who are in need.
