First Chapter

The first chapter in the book relates to the Creation to Noah. These are often well known stories that most people will simply skim over.  However buried within them, are rich lessons and insights into the relationship that God has with the whole creation. When God created you, God made you in the image of God.  How do you reflect being that image to the world?

If you could spend the day with God, what you want to ask God about?  What keeps you from walking with God everyday?

 Noah is chosen from among all the people to be saved because he was a righteous man. (along with his wife and children)  How would you respond if God called you to do something that seemed outrageous?

God created you and all that exists, take some time this week to go for a walk to enjoy the creation.  Comment to share with others what you noticed for the first time or were reminded about how beautiful something was that is part of your life.
