Religious Beliefs vs. My Beliefs

Within the world there are many religions. A religion "is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, natureand purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. or a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion. Each one has it's own understanding and slight differences based on a small change in reading a holy text." (religion defined by

However, in talking to a number of people, they are willing to simply either jump into the faith that their parents raised them in or they take everything as someone's opinion and will often just dismiss it all. I realize that this is a spectrum and there are many who fall in between or other various paths that person could take on their faith journey.  However, I think that part of the process is for people to actually read, learn and wrestle with their faith.  They are suppose to engage others point of views on texts and realize that God is not something that you can place within a box.  God is not able to be contained within the boox that you are reading.  However these books contain within them lessons and teachings that people throughout the centuries have found invaluable to their life.  Some of them even claim to have been directly from God since God is the creator of everything, who better than to get the information directly from.  

However, religion, much like life, is tough and takes a lot of work.  It is something that you have to work at like any relationship.  By having religion or faith within your life does NOT mean that you will have the perfect life and every day will be sunshine and roses.  But it does mean that you have a solid foundation upon which you can turn to so that you are able to face each new day and it's challenges.  Religion will also help you understand the purpose of your life and ultimately when your time comes to an end, it will help you realize what is next for you.  It means that you have a community people to turn to so that they are able to help you with many of those challenges in this world that we share.

Even when your days comes to an end and you die.  Religion will help you face that time of the death of others and even your own final days.  These days are never easy for anyone, whether you know that they are coming or it happens quickly.  However, there is one thing that is certain, you shall face it one day, every day.  For part of living is to have the absence of life as well.  

For me, I am a Christian.  I am someone who has been traveling this world and wrestling with many things within my faith.  There have been many challenges but also many joys.  Along with several people who have been truly supportive, they have helped me to grow and truly understand who I am as a created person for this world.  The Christian religion is something that has helped me in my journey of life and will continue to guide me until my final days.

What is your religion?  What helps you get through the challenges of life and questions of this world? This is not something that you can answer after a single day.  It is not something that can necessarily be answered within a single book, a single page or even a single sentence for it is your entire life.  Although it is important to share that with others and to begin to ponder so that you can realize what it is that this whole existence is all about.  It is time to start asking the really big questions: Who are you?  What do you stand for? 
