"Why do I need to do what the Bible says?"

Ever wonder about those really big questions about life and the Bible.  Well I had another theologian ask the question: "without saying the person is going to hell, "why do I need to do what the Bible says?".  This question really intrigued me so I simply gave answer and a small conversation followed, and here it is.  

My Answer: Well this answer may use different words depends on the situation that the person is in and their age: You do not need to do what the Bible says, however, by studying the Word of God, we are able to hear what God has done for us and understand how it is that we are called into this world. 

The theologian replied with: The question on my mind is that Christians ought to live a certain way, and the problem with society is that most believe in Jesus but do not feel compelled to do anything or change the way they live. Thus, the Bible tells us we ought to do these things. As you put it "how we are called into this world." Being called is a movement into action.

Answer: This is a tough topic because God calls us all into different directions and gives each one of us unique gifts. However, I agree with you that there are some basic fundamental things that all Christians should be doing. For me, those are:

1. Attend Worship - be gathered in community for support and guidance.
2. Read Scripture - for individual and communal purposes so that you are able to learn and grow.
3. Pray - having a conversation and actually turning to God knowing God in such a way that it is like talking to a best friend. 

Beyond those, then I see God working in the person's life. Since I am Lutheran, I often direct people to their Baptism, the promise that God gave to them and in return what expectations have been placed upon them by the church (universal church and local church).

Theologian: what expectations do place? Or are worship, read, and pray them? Indeed this question pulls the argument, does God expect anything from us? Cheap graces makes this argument.

Answer:For my understanding within the liturgy of Baptism, there are some promises that the parent will fulfill and that the faith will be nurtured. There are expectations and promises that the parent and also the child will realize are important. (Please see the Baptismal Liturgy for those promises). The worship, read, and prayer are things that have come out of those promises. 

While the Law is indeed given to us and Christ has fulfilled the Law so that we can do nothing but receive the grace and mercy from our Lord. However, we are called to be free within the world that is hurting and in need of the gospel. Jesus tells us that we are to go out and share the good news. Baptize others and share in Holy Communion with one another. So while I do not advocate for a third use of the Law, I do advocate to help others bear fruit and even be used by God to allow the person to do good works or be used to do good works. To gather and continue the ministries that God is calling us to within the community. That may look different than what they use to be but I think also that we can continue some fo the pillar principles that they uphold. There should be times for worship, gather for fellowship, times to support one another who are in need. At least, that is what I have been talking to the congregation that I am serving. 

While this does not solve all the problems of the world and the church as a whole, I try to be flexible as the Holy Spirit moves within the church and often surprises me. (I am convinced that is the purpose of the Holy Spirit to surprise us and call us to new places of service.) I also help others who are in need to find support and feel lost, this often includes all of us at one point in our lives or another.


I realize that while this was a conversation between two people and others were within the conversation, this was the heart of the matter.  It is something that I have heard other share concern about.  Why should we even follow Jesus?  Truly if Jesus did fulfill the Law, why should I even fear my Heavenly Father now that I am viewed as His Child?  I realize that my answers were not complete, they perhaps were not even doctrinal accurate.  However, the real matter is within this conversation, this was very general, there was no concrete events that were referenced.  Yet it is through the big picture that we are able to stay focused during those very difficult times in our lives and know that God is still working with, around and through us.  For that is the reason that we are created, whether we like it or not, God loves us.  Thanks be to God that God does.
