Be ready to go into all the World

How true this is.  I mean we should be ready to go out into the world and spread the good news of Jesus Christ into the world.  However, one thing that did strike me about this is we are already IN the world.  We are already in the world and have relationships with people so instead of getting ready, how about we actually do.  I realize just being in church does not make a good Christian, I have heard that excuse a number of times.  However, dwelling in the very Word of God is something that nourishes your soul and fills that whole that you have been trying to fill within your heart.  Walking with one another in a community is important, it is for you and for the other person.  And yes even that person who is walking with you in faith, well they are not "ready". For they are a sinner just as much as anyone else is, which is why we need God's grace and mercy. Anyone who thinks that they are "ready" or think that they have generally scares me and I think that unless God spoke directly to them (think a burning bush or angel) then I probably would run the other way. 
