What is the promise of the Bible?

When you think of the Old Testament, you can begin to think of the Creation story, you may think of the Israelites being in the land of Egypt and then Moses leading them out, Moses bringing the Ten Commandments down the mountain to the people so that they will have order within their life.  You may be think of the stories of kings and the kingdom of Israel or Judah.  There are several prophets who speak words of God.  There are many writings of wisdom and even songs of joy and lament.  Yet what is the common thread that unites them all?  The relationship between God and God's creation.

When you think of the New Testament, you can begin to think of Jesus, his many teachings and even his death and Resurrection.  You may also begin to think of the many letters that are written to congregations or individuals that we can read and learn many things about faithful living after Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World, has come and ascended into heaven.

When you look at the whole picture of the Bible, a person can begin to wonder, what is the promise that all of these books really do talk about?  What's really the point of the whole book?  When a lawyer asks Jesus in the NEW Testament, he responds with, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul, and Love your neighbor as yourself."  All these books talk about God having relationship with God's very creation.  The whole point of the book is to show you the reader the very fact that God continues throughout history to be with the creation and to remind you that God continues to be with you now and after your time as part of the creation has ended.
